Museum Exhibition

Alberto Giacometti / Salvador Dalí. Gardens of Dreams
Giacometti Foundation, Paris, France
13 December 2022 - 09 April 2023

The exhibition "Gardens of Dreams" brings together in a new and original fashion the works of Alberto Giacometti and Salvador Dalí around the creation of an imaginary garden at the very beginning of the 1930s. "Gardens of Dreams" thus explores the deep connections between Dalí's dreamlike paintings and Giacometti's enigmatic sculptures, as both artists shared the same research around landscapes, sexuality, and dreams.


The exhibition will be on view at Giacometti Foundation (Paris, France) from December 13, 2022, to April 9, 2023, and will also be presented at the Kunsthaus Zürich, in Switzerland, from April 14 to July 2, 2023.


More information here.